About Client

ACS Jakarta is an International Baccalaureate World School and an authorized Cambridge Centre offering a world standard education to children from 3 – 18. With vision “Nurturing Leaders for God, Country and Community”, and mision to provide holistic education in an environment which seeks to bring out the potential in every student to the fullest; developing in each a strong moral character, imbued with Godly values & principles and to guide and prepare him or her to be a leader for the greater good and of service to others. 

Client Need & Request

57 Grade 6 Students and 7 Teachers

Students needs to have moments together before graduate. The need to be in the outdoors environment become key issues. 

The Objective of the program:

  1. Creating moments together
  2. Preparing students after graduation.
  3. encouraging positive approach to new chalenges. 


Program Received / Delivered

The program will be filled with activities which will give students a change to create moments together and preparing them to embark on a new journey.


  • Self awareness; understanding one’s own thoughts, feelings, strengths, weaknesses, and values.
  • Goal Setting: Establishing personal goals, sharing short-term and long-term aspirations, creating plans to achieve those goals.
  • How to be a team player: create great moments with your team.
  • Embarking new journey: motivate student with new challenges and adventures.


  • Kids interact more freely during programs.
  • They learn to know more about themselves and their friends through the activities.
  • They learn to be team player
  • They learn to have more respect toward their environment