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Jelajah Outdoor was born to revive the richness Nusantara archipelago's culture and biodiversity in every organized program. Inspired by the motto, "Grow together towards positive change," Jelajah Outdoor aids in developing the potential that arises from each journey, fostering awareness of culture and natural sciences to better understand the world.

Quality Experiences

With years of experience in Outdoor Education and Corporate Training and Tour, Jelajah Outdoor is always meticulous in selecting skilled staff. Moreover, the strong relationships built with local resources are the main driving force behind designing realistic and enriching programs filled with experiences.
Team Building FPU Trunojoyo 01 final activity group challeng

Direct Engagement

Participants will be invited to actively engage in every core learning aspect of each journey. They will be exposed to various enriching and perspectives conveyed by experienced and charismatic guides, facilitators, and experts.
Corporate team journey program - BMKG

Educational Emphasise

Jelajah Outdoor collaborates directly with local communities, NGOs, and various groups throughout Indonesia. In every journey, participants will be encouraged to actively engage in exploration and learning experiences.
PT. Satudaya Jelajah Nusantara

Outdoor Company You Can Trust

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Jelajah Outdoor was established in 2013 with the aim of providing the best service through comprehensive programs tailored to the needs of our clients. We strongly believe in the involvement of local resources to support the economic development of the local community. With a spirit of collaboration, our goal is to grow and develop together, both internally and externally, in a positive manner, while promoting sustainable resource management.

Safety & Local Knowledge

Great Team & Expert Specialist

Real experiences Rich Engagement

Sustainabile Resource Management

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