Grow together

Toward Positive Change

Our Story
Jelajah Outdoor was established in Bogor at 2013 with the aim of providing the best service through comprehensive programs tailored to the needs of our clients. We strongly believe in the involvement of local resources to support the economic development of the local community. With a spirit of collaboration, our goal is to grow and develop together, both internally and externally, in a positive manner, while promoting sustainable resource management. After Pandemi we start over again on 2023 with PT. Satudaya Jelajah Nusantara.

Our Vission

Jelajah Outdoor was born to revive the richness of the archipelago's culture and nature in every organized program. Inspired by the motto, "Growing together towards positive change," Jelajah Outdoor aids in developing the potential that arises from each journey, fostering awareness of culture and natural knowledge to better understand the world.

Our Mission

Jelajah Outdoor was established in 2013 with the aim of providing the best services through comprehensively designed programs tailored to clients' needs. Involving local resources to support the improvement of the local community's economy, Jelajah Outdoor embraces the spirit of collaboration, both internally and externally, to grow and develop positively together. The company also encourages sustainable resource conservation practices.
Jelajah Outdoor Team - Sandi Taruni
Sandi Taruni

Founder & CEO

More than 15 years of experience in Outdoor Training & Education, Certified Mentor & Coach for SMB, Skilled & Certified in First Aid.

Sandi start joining the industry as a First Aid Assistance and her interest in outdoors activities, culture and sustainability give her broader insights when build and develop Jelajah Outdoor. She also experienced in community base tourism development. An avid traveler, fly angler that always spreading awareness about caring for the environment and sustainability. 

All her love and passion has brought to life in creating Jelajah Outdoor bedrock and culture to become the benchmark of Outdoor Programs in Indonesia

Program & Development

Lead Instructors

C0-Founder | Program Director

Wigoto Prihadi

More than 15 years of experience in Outdoor Training & Education, Certified Experiential Learning Facilitator, Wilderness First Aid Certified

“Oot” start joining the industry as a First Aid Assistance and later on, he join TOT for Facilitator in 2005 and continue pursuing his career in Outdoor Industry as an Operation Manager, Facility Manager and freelance Facilitator.  His Receptive and calm demeanor become his strength when handling group. As Freelance Facilitator he’s not only work domestically but also in International level handling students group in Indonesia and South East Asia.

He is Certified in Facilitator for Experiential Learning with BNSP. He is also International Certified in Wilderness First Responder and Risk Management for Outdoor Programs from Viristar.

As Co-Founder and Program Director in Jelajah Outdoor, he strive to develop excellent standard in all program component more importantly in Safety and Sustainability.

Program Development

Soel Winarno

More than 25 years of experience in Outdoor Training & Education, BNSP Assessor of Competency, Wilderness First Aid Certified

“Soel” is one of living ledgend in Experiential Learning in Indonesia. He is one of founders of Asosiasi Experiential Learning Indonesia (AELI). He had joined as instructor and facilitators in many provider in Indonesia, Amerika, and many countries in Asia. Now, as a freelance facilitator & Instructor all across the globe but mostly in South East Asia.

His Receptive and Firm  demeanor become his strength when handling group behavior.

He is one of SKKNI formulator and Assessor for Experiential Learning facilitator for BNSP. He is International Certified in Wilderness First Responder and Risk Management for Outdoor Programs from Viristar.

As a Program Development Director in Jelajah Outdoor, his extensive experiences has been tremendous and priceless value for Jelajah Outdoor. 

Admimistration & Digital Strategic

The backbone

ade 1
Finance | Admin

Ade Oktarini

Outdoor enthusiast and an entrepreneur that have years experience in finance & office adinistration.
Jelajah Outdoor Team - Andi Pranata Bangun
Digital Strategic

Andi Pranata Bangun

With more than 10 years experience in digital optimation, have a knack in digital research, creative design & publication
Core Values & Foundation

Our Difference

About Jelajah Outdoor Journey in Borneo
Quality Experiences


With years of experience in Outdoor Education and Corporate Training and Tour, Jelajah Outdoor is always meticulous in selecting skilled staff. Moreover, the strong relationships built with local resources are the main driving force behind designing realistic and enriching programs filled with experiences.
Direct Engagement


Jelajah Outdoor collaborates directly with local communities, NGOs, and various groups throughout Indonesia. In every journey, participants will be encouraged to actively engage in exploration and learning experiences.
Educational Emphasise


Participants will be invited to actively engage in every core learning aspect of each journey. They will be exposed to various enriching and perspectives conveyed by experienced and charismatic guides, facilitators, and experts.
End to End services for your organization

Our Services

Corporate Team Solution

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Nature Art & Craft Collage Trailblazer Jelajah Outdoor

Kids & Youth Program

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Training & Development

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