Real Experiences Rich Engagement

Team Journey Program

Jelajah Outdoor Team Journey Program provides a solution for building a sustainable team for your organization. Its goal is to optimize collaboration among team members, enhance productivity, and achieve better results together. It involves reflection sessions, discussions, and action planning to improve team effectiveness.
Team Building FPU Trunojoyo 01 final activity
Real Experiences Rich Engagement

Team Journey Program

Jelajah Outdoor Team Journey Program provides a solution for building a sustainable team for your organization. Its goal is to optimize collaboration among team members, enhance productivity, and achieve better results together. It involves reflection sessions, discussions, and action planning to improve team effectiveness.
Our Approach


With years of experience in Outdoor Training, Jelajah Outdoor has developed the "Corporate Team Journey Program" with the primary goal of fostering a strong team identity, enhancing collaboration and communication skills, as well as empowering individuals to become effective team players. This program aims to create a sustainable impact and positive change within the team, which can contribute to improved performance, productivity, and overall team dynamics in the workplace or other group environments.

Safety & Local Knowledge

Safety and local knowledge are two crucial aspects in designing and delivering program. Participants' well-being and the success of the program largely depend on ensuring safety measures are in place and leveraging local knowledge to enhance the experience.

Great Team & Experts

JO team of expert specialists is the backbone of our successful outdoor training program. Their knowledge, skills, and ability to collaborate and adapt ensure that participants have a valuable and transformative experience, making the program impactful and memorable.

Real Experiences Rich Engagement

To ensure real experiences and rich engagement in our program, we designed activities that encourage active participation, reflection, and group collaboration. Creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere allows participants to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, further enriching the learning experience.

Sustainabile Resource Management

By integrating sustainable resource management principles into our program, we hope to contribute to the conservation of natural resources and ecosystems and set an example for participants and other stakeholders. This approach fosters a deeper connection to nature and a sense of responsibility toward environmental preservation, creating a more meaningful and impactful outdoor training experience.
Our Method


Our Team Journey program implements the concept of "Team Learning" which emphasizes collaborative learning and knowledge transfer within teams. The activity design is based on the "Experiential Learning" method, which prioritizes hands-on, interactive experiences and fosters rich personal and team reflections.
Team Journey Program Sequence
Team Journey Highlights

Expected outcome

Improved Communication

Through group activities and challenges, team members can improve their communication skills, learn to listen to each other, and develop a shared understanding of goals and objectives.

Increased Trust

Through shared experiences and challenges, team members can develop a sense of mutual respect and trust, which positively impacts collaboration and better teamwork in the workplace.

Better Problem Solving

By working together to overcome various challenges, team members can develop their problem-solving skills and learn to approach challenges in a more effective and collaborative manner.
Team Journey

Our Battle Tested Program

NUSANTARA Team Journey
Team Challenge

NUSANTARA Team Journey

The program is designed to strengthen teams within the organization through a meaningful and learning-filled journey. Through activities crafted to hone collaboration skills, nurture leadership qualities, and reinforce abilities to overcome challenges and problem-solving.

Key Objective

Powerfull Giving


Experiencing pride and accomplishments as a team: Whether it's building sanitation facilities for the local community, assisting students in learning new skills, creating opportunities for small businesses, or organizing a festival to promote local works and potential, there's a sense of fulfillment and energy that arises from doing something meaningful and impactful for others while representing your business as a team. This can foster a sense of connection among participants over the long term.

Key Objective



A program that emphasizes togetherness and joy in an informal atmosphere, which will reduce barriers between colleagues and structural boundaries.


Service & Consultation
Indepth consultation with our specialist to create unique program in order to meet your needs & goals.

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