Nature School

Chanllenge By Choice

Triumph By Trying

"Should we always teach our children through books? Invite them to observe the stars and mountains in the distance. Show them the rivers, seas, trees, and flowers that grow upon the Earth. Only then will they start to think, and thinking is the beginning of real learning."
Program Foundation

Kids & Youth

Our curriculum is based on the philosophy above and follows the existing Experiential Learning standards. Common themes and specific outcomes unite the participants, providing them with meaning and a foundation for reflection. We collaborate with schools and teachers to identify goals related to the ongoing subjects and personal development targets.

General Learning Objectives

We can recommend on-course projects that offer evidence of learning. Additionally, we can work with schools to find ways to integrate our program with what is happening in the classroom, either before or after the program takes place. Some ideas include:

  • Self-development themes to aid in reflection.
  • Daily journaling as a personal reflection tool, with additional notes for future projections upon returning to school.
  • Video and photo presentations.
  • Self-assessment and peer assessment.
  • Debriefing recordings.
  • Subject-specific learning and field activities.
Curriculum Conection

Program Guidelines

Through consultation and planning with schools and teachers, we can determine the appropriate level of intensity and duration for each group and help create a progressive plan to be implemented each year. The following programs provide an initial framework for schools when deciding on an activity.

Pre Program

The first stage of our curriculum guides students to intentionally with open mind think about culture and identity so that they can better understand how their perspectives are formed. Students will learn the importance of withholding immediate judgment when exposed to new cultures or environments and will practice describing situations or experiences objectively.

During Program

Throughout the program, students will be asked to use their experiences in the destination country as a basis for observing cultural differences and similarities. Each student will be challenged to reflect on their interactions with the local population and discuss with their group how these experiences may have altered their perceptions of how culture, identity, and social responsibility can be viewed in different contexts.

After Program

Students need support and guidance upon their return from the program to process their experiences and translate their new skills and perspectives into their lives back home. That’s why we provide activities that encourage student reflection, followed by intentional actions, within their local communities.

Grade 1 - 6

Primary Years Program

Our camp for elementary school levels offers a safe, fun, exciting, and challenging outdoor experience. Smaller grade levels engage in biodiversity investigations, receive introductions to outdoor sports and skills, play cooperative games, and work on arts and crafts. Our goal is to ensure that early-age outdoor adventure activities are positive, memorable, and instill a lifelong appreciation for biodiversity and the outdoors.

Activities are carefully selected according to specific skill levels. We understand that many children might be engaging in such activities for the first time, possibly venturing far from home or feeling uncomfortable in the outdoor environment. Our experienced leaders will always be there to provide support and encouragement, creating a positive experience where children can feel enthusiastic.

For elementary school students, activities can include one-day programs, overnight stays at hotels or lodges, and an introduction to camping in the great outdoors.

Having a common theme and specific outcomes is crucial for the success of the program. We collaborate with schools and teachers to identify goals that align with ongoing subjects and personal development targets.

Manfaat Outdoor Education untuk Perkembangan Anak

Some desired outcomes for pyp:

Discovery Camp

The program is designed for participants who are mostly away from home for the first time. The two-day camp will take them out of their comfort zone. They will engage in camping games, outdoor activities, and excursions, as well as participate in arts and crafts in the natural environment. The objectives include fostering independence, self-awareness, and teamwork.

Young Pioneer

In this program, most of the children have already experienced camping before. Building on this experience, we introduce adventure sports and teamwork activities. The activities may include orienteering, camping crafts, and cycling, with each location offering unique benefits. Three days is an appropriate duration for this age group. The objectives may include developing personal and group responsibility and overcoming fears.
Grade 7-12

Middle Years Program

As students progress through secondary school, the ability to become a good leader becomes increasingly important. The five-day program focuses on understanding leadership skills and personal development goals. Through group activities and challenges, each individual gains experience in being a leader. The ability to reflect and transfer new knowledge into other aspects of our lives is crucial in achieving the following objectives:

Outdoor Learning & Leadership Voice

Highlights Program

Trail Blazer

Participants already have the foundation and experience to embrace more challenging physical and mental tasks during the three to four-day program, with the expectation of increasing their self-confidence and abilities. Activities may include kayaking, low ropes, abseiling, orienteering, and navigation, environmental research, and one night in tents.


Each year, students continue to build self-confidence and self-esteem while developing life skills and adventure sports. These activities introduce new experiences and enhance existing skills. Activities include cycling, canyoning, camping in the wilderness, rope work and abseiling, camp crafting, and cooking. The 4-5-day program provides ample time for students to challenge themselves. These activities emphasize understanding risks, making good decisions, and becoming a leader.
navigating uncertainty with confidence
Leadership Program
Our objectives combined with challenging activities will help each individual better prepare for the remainder of their academic year and beyond. The ability to reflect and transfer new knowledge into other aspects of our lives is crucial in achieving the following objectives:


Leading peer groups, decision-making, encouraging involvement, utilizing available resources, assessing progress, problem-solving.

Self Awareness

Reflecting on personal strengths and areas that need improvement, identifying ways to improve to achieve goals.

Goal Setting

Establishing personal goals, sharing short-term and long-term aspirations, creating plans to achieve those goals.
added value

community service

Community Service - Service is an essential element of our secondary school program. The programs are as follows: in-school teaching, school development projects, elderly homes, orphanages, and other special needs facilities.
Young Leader

As students progress through secondary school, the ability to become a good leader becomes increasingly important. The five-day program focuses on understanding leadership skills and personal development goals. Through group activities and challenges, each individual gains experience in being a leader.

Senior Leadership

This is a specialized program designed to prepare students who will face graduation and the challenges that come with it. Ideally, this program is conducted at the beginning or end of the school year. We will work with teachers and students to determine a suitable time and place for collaboration in counseling and long-term planning. We provide modules on leadership and team-building and incorporate adventure and service elements that align with the overall theme.

Free Consultation

Talk to us!

Through consultation and planning with schools and teachers, we can determine the appropriate level of intensity and duration for each group and help create a progressive plan to be implemented each year.

The JO specialist team will help and serve as your consultant for all your needs.

Fill in the form to explain your objectives and purposes as well as the details of your needs.